Zemin çalışmaları ve kazık uygulamaları sektöründe uzun yıllarını vermiş olan ve markalaşma yolunda ilerleyen firmamız 2011 yılına yeni internet sitesi ile girmektedir. Karyap Zemin olarak her zaman teknolojiyi en yararlı şekilde kullanmaktayız.

Name of Project     : High Şat Region Construction Development Project
Client                        : Artes İnş. Taah. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : High Şat Region, Libya
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                :Total 362 bored piles for the foundations composed of 313 piles with  800mm dia L=15,00m length and 49 piles L=16,50m length

Soil Conditions      : Sand
Duration                   : 5 months


Name of Project     : Enka Teknik Soussa Desalination Project
Client                        : ENKA TEKNİK
Date                           : 2009
Location                   : Libya
Job Description     : Consolidation injection for sea water intake pumping station foundations
Quantities                : Total  1487 m length, 890mm-760mm dia injection holes.
Soil Conditions      : Sand
Duration                   : 7 months


Name of Project     : Aurobud Ukraine Production of Holed and CFA Piles
Client                        : Aurobud
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Kiew, Ukraine
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                :Total 287 CFA piles for the foundations composed of 122 piles with 620mm dia L=20,00m length and 165 piles with 520mm L=18,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sand
Duration                   : 6 months


Name of Project     : Urdun Amman Mujib and Southern Ghors Irrigation
Client                        : Kolin İnş. Tur. San. Tic. A.Ş.
Date                           : 2003
Location                   : Amman, Urdun
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                :Total 107 bored piles for the foundations with 1000mm dia L=24,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sand
Duration                   : 4 months


Name of Project     : Poti Sea Port Southern Water Area Harbor Project Works
Client                        : Kolin İnş. Tur. San. Tic. A.Ş.
Date                           : 2003
Location                   : Amman, Urdun
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                :Total 107 bored piles for the foundations with 1000mm dia L=24,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sand
Duration                   : 4 months


Name of Project     : Innovia Houses
Client                        : Yeşil İnşaat Yapı Düzenleme ve Pazarlama Tic. A.Ş.
Date                           : 2009
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Retainin System with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors 
Quantities                : Total retaining structure surface area is 160.000 m2. The system is constructed with a total of 70.000 m 650 mm diameter bored piles. The whole retaining structure is supported with 4  rows of prestressed anchors.
Soil Conditions      : Silty Clay
Duration                   : 6 months


Name of Project     : Istoç Palace Excavation Bored Piles Retaining Structure
Client                        : Istoç Yapı Kooperatifi
Date                           : 2005
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Shoring with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors and Foundation  
Quantities                :Shoring with bored piles for a max excavation depth of 20m with 9 rows of prestressed anchors, and a total 189 bored piles for the foundations with 1000mm dia L=20,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Clay
Duration                   : 14 months


Name of Project     : Kuyumcukent Retaining Structures Production
Client                        : Kuyaş-Kuyumcukent Gayrimenkul Yatırımları A.Ş.
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Shoring with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors and Foundation  
Quantities                :Shoring with bored piles for a max excavation depth of 16m with 7 rows of prestressed anchors, and a total 711 bored piles for the foundations with 1200mm dia L=28,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sand, Clay, Sandstone
Duration                   : 8 months


Name of Project     : Construction of Konya Waste Water Purification Facilities
Client                        : OHL-Sistem Yapı-İnima Joint Venture
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Konya, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 216 bored piles for the foundations with 800mm dia L=20,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sand, Sandstone
Duration                   : 3 months


Name of Project     : Merkezefendi Park Houses
Client                        : Bayrak-Alkan-Atamer Adi Ortaklığı
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 488 bored piles for the foundations with 800mm dia L=20,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Clay
Duration                   : 3 months


Name of Project     : Bayrampaşa Altıntepsi Underground Multi Storey Car Park and Green Area
Client                        : Çevre Mühendislik İnş. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Retainin System with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors 
Quantities                : Total retaining structure surface area is 8321 m2. The system is constructed with a total of 4624 m 800 mm diameter bored piles and 650 mm diameter bored piles. The whole retaining structure is supported with 6 rows of prestressed anchors.
Soil Conditions      : Clay
Duration                   : 8 months


Name of Project     : Silivri State Hospital
Client                        : Aygün İnşaat
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 873 vibrex piles for the foundations composed of 56 piles with 650mm dia L=25,00m length and 817 piles L=28,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sandy clay
Duration                   : 3 months


Name of Project     : Boğaziçi Shipyard in Yalova
Client                        : ZTM Zemin ve Temel Araştırmaları Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : Yalova, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 571 vibrex piles for the foundations with 800mm dia L=35,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Clay
Duration                   : 6 months


Name of Project     : Seltaş Denizcilik Shipyard in Yalova
Client                        : ZTM Zemin ve Temel Araştırmaları Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : Yalova, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 174 vibrex piles for the foundations with 800mm dia L=35,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Clay
Duration                   : 3 months

Name of Project     : Hammer Piles of Bornova Bridged Junction
Client                        : Ege Zemin İnş. Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2008
Location                   : Yalova, Turkey
Job Description     : Precast Pile
Quantities                : Total 117 vibrex piles for the foundations with 400mmx400mm dimensions  
L=30,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Silty clay, clay
Duration                   : 1 month


Name of Project     : Retaining Structure Application
Client                        : Vardem Oyuncak - Kare İnş. San. Tic. Ltd.
Date                           : 2005
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Soil nailed deep excavation
Quantities                : A soil nailed retaining system with a maximum 21.10 m height is implemented. The total plan area of the site is 10,000 m2. Total soil nail wall area is 6.250 m2 where an approximately 20.000 m3 of excavation is performed. Total nailing length is approximately 7.000 m.
Soil Conditions      :Sandstone
Duration                   : 4 months


Name of Project     : Factory Building
Client                        : Kama Pres San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Retainin System with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors 
Quantities                : Total retaining structure surface area is 3.500 m2. The system is constructed with a total of 3800 m 800 mm diameter bored piles and 450 mm diameter bored piles. The whole retaining structure is supported with 3 rows of prestressed anchors.
Soil Conditions      : Sandy Clay
Duration                   : 3 months


Name of Project     : Kocaeli Şekerpınar 2.Zone 1260 Infrastructure & Envir-onmental Arrangement Works
Client                        : Atlı İnş. San. Tic. A.Ş. and Biat İnş. San. Tic. A.Ş.
Date                           : 2005
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Foundation Piles
Quantities                : Total 650 bored piles for the foundations with 800mm dia L=18,00m length
Soil Conditions      : Sandy Clay
Duration                   : 5 months


Name of Project     : Merter Saklı Vadi Houses
Client                        : BE&SA İnş. Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Date                           : 2007
Location                   : Istanbul, Turkey
Job Description     : Retainin System with Bored Piles and Prestressed Anchors 
Quantities                : Total retaining structure surface area is 4.500 m2. The system is constructed with a total of 5200 m 650 mm diameter bored piles. The whole retaining structure is supported with 3 rows of prestressed anchors.
Soil Conditions      : Sandy Clay
Duration                   : 3 months

Bored Piling

Pile Driving

Mini Piles

Pipe and Sheet Piling

Diaphragm Wall

Anchor and Rock bolt

Soil Nailing

Compaction and Vibro Stone Column

Jet Grouting and DSM


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